Dynamic Album problem with zpArdoise

I'm working on a new site using zpArdoise theme (with latest zen photo build) and I'm having a curious problem with displaying the full image when the image is part of a dynamic album.

I have an album 'Selected Images', which is a dynamic album generated by a saved search with images with the tag: 'selected'. The basic slideshow functionality works fine, as does the link to the individual image page. The issue is that when the full image is attempted to load into ColorBox, I constantly get the 'This image cannot be loaded' error message. When I try to load the image from its main 'parent' album, the Colorbox functionality performs flawlessly.

I've pulled up FireBug to check the path and the 'src' attribute seems to be the same on the main image page and on the dynamic album, so it doesn't seem to be a path issue (although I could be misreading something).

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks so much for any help here.


  • Are you running the latest version of the theme as well?http://www.vincentbourganel.fr/news/zpArdoise-a-ZenPhoto-ZenPage-theme
  • Papyrus: I am. I'm working on a new install of from zenphoto and the latest download from Vincent's site. I'm working on the assumption that it's something rather simple that I'm overlooking, but I can't seem to figure it out.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Colorbox does not work if you have protected your full images. Respectively if the theme uses the protected url to get them. You have either
    1. to modify the theme to use the unprotected url,
    2. Modify the theme so colorbox usese its iFrame mode to load the protected image (displayed on a page and not directly).
    3. change the full image option to not protect the full image url
  • Acrylian: thanks for your post. I'm not using a protected URL on the full images. When I go to the 'main'/'original'/'parent' album (whatever you want to call it), the image loads up fine in ColorBox. It's only on dynamic albums. The problem happens either from within the album/zpGallerific page when I try to load the full image into ColorBox, or from the main image page when the full image is loaded into ColorBox.

    Here are two links to the (unfinished) site so you can see what I'm saying:

    Here is a link to the image page when 'sourced' from the main, original album:
    http://www.conditionofmusic.com/Year/2009/And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead @ Webster Hall (9.18.2009)/And+You+Will+Know+Us+By+The+Trail+of+Dead+(13+of+25).jpg
    (colorbox works great here)

    Here is a link to the image page when 'sourced' from the dynamic album:
    http://www.conditionofmusic.com/Subject/Selected Images/And+You+Will+Know+Us+By+The+Trail+of+Dead+(13+of+25).jpg
    (colorbox fails here)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you are using in fact the protected full image. I have no idea why the 2nd fails though.
    Could be the Gallerfific script involved. Try a standard theme instead to find out.

    I would recommend to try not to use spaces in file/folder names. Besides it can cause issues with scripts it also looks not so nice (as you see on your two links).
  • Acrylian: Thanks, again, for your post. You've actually solved the issue for me.

    I had unchecked both of the 'Full Image Protection' check boxes, but I had left 'Protected View' selected. When I switched to 'unprotected' then the images started displaying properly in the dynamic albums.

    Thanks, again.
  • On the note from acrylian, the Seo cleanup plugin can remove the spaces for you in file names at least if you are interested.
  • Papyrus: Thanks. I was looking for something like that. That was a big help.
  • Glad to see it all worked out. Good luck with your site!
  • I would guess that the theme is not using the pathurlencode function to encode the links. Not sure why the html encoding does not work, though, but pathurlencode is the appropriate function to use when making links to image objects.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    sbillard, could you give me some example of pathurlencoding ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    @sbillard: I think none of our themes uses it for the full image actually. Default and Zenpage just use html_encode() only.
  • Basically, any link which might have an album name in it should be pathurlencoded (and maybe also html encoded) Pathurlencode will url encode a link but preserve the slashes that are needed for the rewrite check on the album to work.

    But as acrylian has noted, there are some omissions in the standard themes. This will work, of course, unless there is a characater in the name that gives problems if not urlencoded. That does not seem to be the case in joe_dicastro's links, but if somehow the html encoding of the space was not decoded by the browser then that would cause problems.
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