Using Zenphoto on it's own

Hi All,

I use Zenphoto on 3 of my personal sites and I'm considering using it for another. In the new site, however, I plan to use only Zenphoto. Does anyone have any experience with doing this? Is it set up to be used alone? Is there anything special I should do for SEO?

Also, in the past I used a Wordpress include to add the header and footer. In this case I'd like to just make changes to a copy of the default theme.

I noticed that if I add...

<div id="bottomnav">
This is where the footer will be!


the text shows up under the Zenphoto link. How can I get it to the bottom of the page?

That's about it for now.



  • Well I just use and its by itself.. I do plan on adding a small page for info and about me...but thats about it :P
  • I just want to bump this as I still haven't figured out how to get the footer to the bottom!
  • You have to setup the CSS to place that div on the bottom of the page.
  • Thanks, I just added a quick margin-top: 50%; and that pushed it down.
  • i use include with php for my headers and whatnot
  • Yeah, I might do that. I need a very simple header and footer so I might just add it. I'm still playing around with the theme. Thanks!
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