What did I do wrong, or possible bug...

Is this a bug or did I mess up?
I deleted the zp-core after backing up the config file, uploaded new nightly build, uploaded config, attempted to install, and it says:
Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:


  • Code,

    Just re-upload those themes or theme files from the nightly build to your theme folder. If you've made any changes to the theme you use (I think you use effervescence_plus) you may have to make the changes again to the updated theme.

    I just checked your site and it's working so you must have sorted it out.
  • This report says that you did not load the theme files that came with the release. We state in the installation instructions that you should copy ALL files from the distribution to your server. This is because often changes permeate multiple scripts and they should all be at the same level.

    In particular, the files in the `ROOT` folder are critical--if you have a mismatch of the `ROOT` index.php file things are likely not to work.
  • I did, i uploaded the whole nightly build, at least I thought I did... Probably not, okay thanks :)...Well actually Pierrot, I just clicked "GO" on the install without doing anything... so...I didn't really sort it out, just winged it
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