I dont mind, in fact I prefer, to have all my photos on one long page, is it possible to change the 10-images-per-page limit in the admin panel to another value, e.g. 50?
Well you probably need to change the code for a 'show all' option, but I don't see why you cant use 50...Unless it makes your theme look weird... :S Why don't u just try it and see what happens lol
I was asking for the admin edit-albums page, not my gallery, and its not important enough to change zenphotos code and lose changes with an upgrade, so as far as im concerned, thank you and topic closed :]
Your welcome, updates arent *that* often, unless you often do the nightly builds...You could modify it and when it updates weeks later update it again...
The code change is not all that bad--there is a define, `IMAGES_PER_PAGE`, for the number of images. So it is one line of code you have to keep track of. And, of course, if it gets overwritten, you just revert to the 10 images standard.