I'm using the `printAlbumMenuListAlbum` in order to print an albums menu on each page of the gallery.
I don't want it be context sensitive (visitors should have access to the whole gallery from anywhere they are) but I would like to restrict it to one branch of the `albums` folder. That's because I've separated:
- pictures that are 'real' photographies and will be displayed in the gallery part
- anything else (specific albums, that is) that could be used in Zenpages pages.
I've searched for some kind of parameter to instruct `printAlbumMenuListAlbum` to begin for a special 'node' of the albums tree, but didn't find anything; it's either the whole gallery (= all the albums) or context sensitive.
Could you give me some advice on the matter?
"omit-top" or for jus the sublevels of the current album "list-subs".
If you need more specific menus or behaviour you need to either use the menu manager plugin with several menu sets or create a custom function.
"Prints a list of all albums context sensitive." so this won't work as I want to display the same subtree on all the pages of the gallery.
The album element - unless I'm mistaken - only returns a link to a specific album.
What I'm looking for is a combination of both: a whole menu album starting from the one I choose down to the lowest levels.
I think I need to adapt the `printAlbumMenu` but I don't know how to tell my function where to start from; it's neither the top level, nor the current album. How can I specify the album I want it to start from? id? or name? Which parameter should I need to modify?
This is a quite complicated plugin especially because getting the nested html list correctly done although it "just prints" a list. What you want might be not that easy.
It might be easier to write a simple custom function if you know your album level depth. In any case you need to use/get into the object model and thus always have to use the album name. The id has no role in the object model.
What I would like is the non-greyed part only, so it is all the albums downwards from one of the top-level called 'Galerie'.
Otherwise you would be better off using the menu manager then.
Here it is:
$myPhotos = new Album($_zp_gallery, 'galerie/');
$albums = $myPhotos->getAlbums();
printAlbumMenuListAlbum($albums, $albumpath, $currentfolder, $option, $showcount, $showsubs, $css_class, $css_class_topactive, $css_class_active,$firstimagelink,$keeptopactive,$limit);
On 1.4.5 you should use the function `newAlbum()` instead of the class constructor directly.