Pre-announcement: Zenpage - a CMS plugin for Zenphoto

acrylian Administrator, Developer
Some may heard of this side project I was working on for some time (sadly not as continously as I wanted) and a few of you even may already wait for it.

So that you all can believe that this is really coming, I posted a small fun pre-announcement teaser movie on Google video that you can watch here: or directly on

Sadly Google video made it a lot more blurry than it originally is, so that the included screenshots are a little hard to see, but to prevent my host from possible bandwidth overload I choose to post it there...:-) Hopefully you get an idea of the coming real thing.

That will probably be within the next days. I need to do some testing, some doc writing and setup a small project site under the above adress. Although Zenphoto contains some offical support for this, it will not be included in the offical Zenphoto package and kept separate for now. But we may decide to make this an full official plugin later.

Post comments or any preliminary questions on this thread if you like.


  • Great !
    I just can't wait !
  • I think this will make zenphoto 110% better. Looking forward to this...
  • Awesome! So what is it exactly? A website with zenphoto? Kind of like a blog? or what
  • Great news. I'm really looking forward to this.
  • Beautiful work as always.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, guys.

    @code: It adds management capability for normal custom pages and includes also a news section with categories. I call it "news section" because I don't really want even try to compete with something complete as Wordpress.
    The target are portfolio sites without the need of a full featured blog or an overloaded CMS. So if the center of your site is the gallery this might be something for you..:-)
  • Yep, the center of my site is the gallery :) Lucky me!
  • acrylian,

    zenpage is looking good! I have been patiently waiting for this since you mentioned sometime back:-) I will be converting two sites to use it as soon as you release it. I know the wait will have been worth it.

    Thanks for all your work.
  • Looking forward to this!
  • I can't wait to give zenpage a try. It seems to fit my purposes 100%.
    Brilliant work, acrylian!
  • I too have been waiting for this for a while since you hinted at it a while back. I currently use Wordpress...will there be any kind of conversion tools for an easy transition?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Currently there is none, but generally a good idea. I can't promise anything though.
  • sweet.
  • "if" it works, and does basic things, i may not need drupal anymore ... thanks a lot!!!!! hehe
  • can't wait to try it out :)

    don't want to use an other cms system just for contact and links and so on..
  • I very much so look forward trying this plugin. if you need some testers I am more than happy to give some of my time.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks. It will be out very soon. You all are invited to test it when it is out and to report bugs. The tests, I am setting up the project site with it, seem to show that it works fine. But surely here and there a bug will have sneaked in.
  • I can see there is a check box in the nightly stating Zenpage for the user rights, So I guess it is getting pretty close.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, that foreshadows the great (hopefully) things to come...:-)
  • Well,
    good work acrylian... I have downloaded SVN version yesterday and it looks like everything works fine. I am looking forward for final version.

    Best regards
  • hello,

    how to do for try svn version ? do you you have a link for download zenpage svn version ?

    by advance

    thank you
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It's still worked on it and actually currently not recommended for testing yet. It is planned to be released at the same date as Zenphoto 1.2.1. Thanks.
  • looking forward to it
  • hey! great news! that means i do not have to hack the header sections back into joomla any more!
  • Wow! Just what I'm waiting for! I come from a wysiwyg html editor, almost zero knowledge on cms, php, css. Took me a long time to figure out how to insert a very few text pages in my gallery. Haven't tried Wordpress, too.
  • flu Member
    Hi Acrylian,
    the 1.2.1 ZP version is out, maybe I've missed something but I haven't see something about the Zenpage plugin.
    Is it postponed ?

    Thank you for your time.
  • dwn Member
    Hello Acrylian,

    i don't know if zenpage is released now also, but i have downloaded newest SVN version and installed it into 1.2.1 release. Everything works fine, except of CombiNews. When I enable this option and open gallery an SQL error appears:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( (SELECT date, id, title, content, codeblock, titlelink, author FROM `zp_zenpage_news` ORDER BY date) UNION (SELECT,, images.title, images.desc, albums.folder, images.filename, albums.title FROM `zp_images` AS images, `zp_albums` AS albums WHERE = images.albumid ORDER BY images.mtime) ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 0,10 ) failed. Error: Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'

    My config:
    MySQL 5.0.45
    Collation: utf8_unicode_ci

    Thanks for great work on zenpage.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually I just released it...:-)

    Thanks for the report. As the error says your tables have probably a different collation. That might be because of older zenphoto tables that are somehow different than the new ones zenpage created. Did you check that via phpmyadmin?

    I did not encounter this in all the test though. Of course I will try to look into it.
  • dwn Member

    you are right about that I have different collations in my tables. At first look everything seem to be allright and set to utf8_unicode_ci on all tables. But when I look at rows for example in zp_images then I see that each row is set to utf8_general_ci... Now I don't know how to set collation to utf8_unicode_ci on all rows in DB, or table. Can you help me with this ?

  • You will have to use PHPmyAdmin to administer your database and make this change to the table structure.
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