Code in Codeblock to prevent printing getImageLinkURL

My Zenphoto Theme (zpSkeleton) is using the following code in album.php to print the CustomSizedImage.
The CostumSizedImage is linking to getImageLinkURL of the Image.

title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
<?php if ($thumbcrop) {
attributes',null,true); } else {
null,null,null,null,null,'remove-attributes',null,true); } ?>

Would it be possible to make use of a Codeblock call to prevent linking to the getImageLinkURL for certain subalbums?

To write a code in Codeblock (in certain Subalbums) and have album.php not printing the Link to getImageLinkURL?

Thank You.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, unless you put full code into a code block and call it instead of the original code. Then you will have to do it for every item.

    Code in codeblocks is just executed. You cannot affect other parts of code using theme (PHP code is done already when displayed).
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