table in zenphoto administration page

I dont remember it being like this... On the main admin page after you login, the "Gallery Stats" table is below everything to the left (at least in firefox), I think it used to be next to "Gallery Maintenance"


  • Also Under the "Upload" tab...The check box looks in the middle of the sentence, it doesnt look very clear, also the "Publish the album..." is clickable for the check box, as the "Make a new album" is click able but doesn't affect the check box
    the [] symbolizes the check box...

    "Make a new Album
    and[]Publish the album so everyone can see it."

    Something else...
    "Select one or more albums for the administrator to manage. Administrators with User admin or Manage all albums rights can manage all albums. All others may manage only those that are selected."

    What is the difference between "User Admin" and "Manager All Albums" if they can both manage everything?

    Another tiny tiny tiny tiny bug :P

    customfunctions.php in the effervescence theme
    Returns `5image(s)` instead of `5 image(s)`
    I am nit picking I know...

    I noticed when hovering over my album on the gallery page... It says for instance...
    "View the album: Sports 1image(s)"

    function printImage_AlbumCount() {
    $c = getNumSubalbums();
    if ($c > 0) {
    echo "\n".$c. gettext("albums(s)");
    $c = getNumImages();
    if ($c > 0) {
    echo "\n".$c. gettext("images(s)");
    ALSO, I dont know if this is a bug or not...
    Currently the effervescense theme shows a random image at the top right? This random iamge is visible when a gallery password is set, whats the point of a gallery password, is a random image is always able to be seen...
  • 1. If your browser window is not wide enough to hold the whole page it will wrap like you describe.

    2. How would you propose the check box be? It seems clear to me, but maybe not to others, that you check it to publish the album. BTW, clicking on the text causes the check box to toggle for me. You are probably at the gallery level when you click on `Make a new album` Since that mode is already set and required, clicking does nothing. If you select an album from the selector you will see a different behavior.

    3. The `1image(s)` has already been corrected in the nightly build.

    4. Showing the random image was a design choice. If you wish to change that, place a
    `if (checkForPassword()) { }` block around all items you do not wish to be displayed when the gallery is password protected.
  • Okay all clear and good now thanks :)
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