Hello !
I've just installed ZenPhoto (thanks to Framasoft <www.framasoft.net>) on my website (mathieu.basille.net) but I'm stucked on the setup step...
I first changed the .htaccess to change the path to zenphoto :
# !!! Change this to the absolute path !!!
RewriteBase /zenphoto
Then, I changed some parameters in the config.php file :
// For a link back to your main site
$conf['main_site_name'] = "my web site";
$conf['main_site_url'] = "
// The path to zenphoto on the server - e.g. /home/user/public_html/zenphoto. No trailing slash/
$conf['serverpath'] = "/home/basillen/basille.net/html/mathieu/zenphoto";
// The URL of zenphoto from the domain root. - e.g. '
http://www.yoursite.com/zenphoto'// (or '/zenphoto' in that case). No trailing slash/
$conf['webpath'] = '/html/mathieu/zenphoto';
And uploaded everything to my website.
Actually, I have the basille.net domain, with mathieu as a sub-domain (linking to /html/mathieu/). So everything is in /html/mathieu/zenphoto/ but is accessible (with the right passwords) in
ftp://mathieu.basille.net/zenphoto/. I don't know if it has any importance, but I cannot access to
http://mathieu.basille.net/zenphoto/test.php or index.php by http (problem of permission).
Anyway, my problem is when I load the setup.php (through ftp...).
I did the 3 steps (what is the mod_rewrite apache module ?) but it doesn't work very well...
If I then click on 'Go!' I got this message :
550 /zenphoto/zen/\": No such file or directory
If I click on 'View your gallery' I got this message :
550 /zenphoto/zen/\"../\": No such file or directory
If I click on 'administrate' I got this message :
550 /zenphoto/zen/\"../admin/\": No such file or directory
Any idea ???
Thx in advance and good luck to have a lot of success with ZenPhoto !
First off, this line is wrong...
`$conf['webpath'] = '/html/mathieu/zenphoto';`
If the address to zenphoto is http://mathieu.basille.net/zenphoto
then it should be:
`$conf['webpath'] = '/zenphoto';`
See if that does it.