I was playing around with my test installation that was installed under a subdomain, and after the smooth setup, the only thing I was getting was plain html - stylesheets javascripts and thumbnails were not loaded. after looking at few topics, I finally managed to get it working smoothly in the subdomain but now the actual installation that subdomain is pointing to is giving me the same errors

the test installation is located at:
http://zen.bozuq.organd the broken one is at:
http://bozuq.org/zensome settings:
`RewriteBase /`
as a workaround, i am redirecting everyone who tries accesing /zen/ to
http://zen.bozuq.org using:
if($REQUEST_URI != "/"){
(i have removed it so the code can be seen at
http://bozuq.org/zen)I don't know if it is a bug or my own "inability"

Any suggestions?