I have a web site in which there are 3 paltform, one of them is zenphoto. I would like to put the preview of the last photogallery in the home page. somebody can help me? thank you
Thank you Acrylian for your suggestion. I made a copy of template-functions.php in the folder of my index. I changed "WEBPATH" in "fotografia" (the name of my folder) and "ZENFOLDER" in "/template-functions.php". Can you tell me, please, how to insert the code
I don't think you understood the zenphoto-as-plugin post. You cannot take parts of zenphoto and place them somewhere and expect them to work. Zenphoto is a complete set of scripts that all depend on one-another.
The zenphoto-as-plugin post describes how to link a page that is not in the zenphoto folders to zenphoto.
and one of our image_album_statistics_plugin functions:
Can you tell me, please, how to insert the code
$randomImage = getRandomImages();
$randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);
echo "
<img src='". $randomImage->getSizedImage(getOption('image_size')) . "'
alt=\"random image\"\n" . $randomImage->getTitle() . '" />';
in my home page?
I'm a beginners and I know very very little of php ;-P
thanks, thanks a lot
The zenphoto-as-plugin post describes how to link a page that is not in the zenphoto folders to zenphoto.