Two words tag doesn't supported by the search engine

hi I have zen photo instaled in my web but my images are tagged in 2 languages spanish and english like "flor flower" but if I try to search only "flor" or only "flower" no images are found... in previous versions of zenphoto I didn't have problems with this... could you help me?


  • Zenphoto 1.2 tag searches require exact match of the tag. This was an artifact of changing the tag implementation to a table structure for efficiency. So if your tag is `flor flower` then that is what you must enter for it to be found. Of course, you could have made two tags, `flor` and `flower` which really would have been a better choice.

    With zenphoto 1.2.1 (and the nightly builds, we have found a way to make partial match searches work with the new tag structure.)
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