I installed tiny_mce and it is not showing up

I installed the plugin for tiny-mce and it is not showing up in my admin fields for Albums section. Could someone please point me in the right direction?


  • Check the plugin options. There are configuration files that have to be set for Zenpage items and for album/image items. Perhaps the one for "Zenphoto" is disabled.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    To note: The "zenpage" config settings will not work on the gallery items such as images and albums.
  • I guess I am confused. In your demo, tiny_mce is available in the album and image fields. Is that just for show? or can I get that functionality?

    If there isn't functionality, can I still put HTML or links into those fields?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    See Options > plugins > tiny_mce. There are two selectors to choose a configuration for Zenphoto (albums/images) and Zenpage (news/pages). While you can select on both the same the Zenpage ones will not work on the images/albums because the config is different.
  • I got it to work.

    The non-confusing way of telling me would be to say:

    1. Go into Plugins->Tools->tiny_mce.
    2. Click on the "Gear" button next to the description.
    3. In the area marked "Text editor configuration - Zenphoto," choose "Zenphoto-Default."
    4. Click Apply.

    You guys create a great product, but don't explain how to use some features very well.
  • Please then volunteer to write some user documents.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, options -> plugins -> tiny_mce will get you to exact the same place...
  • Have to agree with webdeveloper@geh: I've been reading this forum for over a year and the replies are not helpful and serve to drive away non-technical users.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @Noddy: Sorry, but runnign your own self hosted site using a tool like Zenphoto requires a bit knowledge of general web techniques at least. We cannot cover those basics here.

    Otherwise there are lots of services out there where you don't need any technical knowledge.

    More on your other topic.

    Also, again, anyone is invited to help with documentation he feels missing.
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