Problem images and thumbnails display since 1.2

I've noticed since I'm using 1.2 some troubles :

1-Not all thumbnails are generated. To have them all I need to refresh more than one time my browser. After that all thumbnails are displayed. BUT if I modify something in my back office administration, again I have to refresh and refresh ...

2-I've noticed that if my images are big (I don't know the limit but around more than 2136 x 2848 px) they are not displayed on any theme. But they are here because if I clic on the image title (wich is displayed instead of the picture) I can see my picture.
I know that because of some memory limit restriction of some hosters it could be a reason. But with the same hoster everything was fine before I moved to 1.2.

All ideas are welcomed.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. I would guess that is a browser cache issue. Try to delete the browser cache, setting it lower or disable it (if your browser allows).
    2. Please try the nightly build. We have fixed a few bugs regarding that.
  • 1-Not sure it's because of my browser because before upgrade everithing was fine with all my browsers.

    2-I've tried the nightly build and no images at all are displayed ...

    I'm waiting the 1.2.1 ... and I'm going to try on my local hoster to investigate was is due to ZP 1.2 and what to my free hoster ...
  • I'm "upping" this post because with my hoster ( and Zenphoto 1.2.3, if images are more than a certain amount of pixels the pictures can't be displayed.
  • Thanks for that. Do you mean I have to change the memory_limit in the php.ini file ? Or is it a different memory parameter ?

    Thanks again.

    Does it mean in 1.2.4, it would be better and Zenphoto will still be able to display big picture but with less needs ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is a server limitation and more exactly of the GDlib that processes the image, therefore there will be no change regarding that with 1.2.4. You need to set the value on the php.ini.
  • There are two things that are involved in memory limits. One is the PHP memory_limit. The other is what the server is willing to give an application. Unfortunately, you can set the PHP memory_limit and it may not be honored by the server.
  • Thanks for that explaination. Which criteria/value should I check with my hoster in the GDlib to be sure that I won't have again this kind of trouble with my new "real" hoster.

    Thnaks ;)
  • Check to see if the PHP `ini_set` is allowed to set the memory_limit. (It can also be set in the PHP.ini file.) Ask the hoster how much memory WEB applications are allowed.
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