I was looking for a way to display the exif date in the european format:
day-month-year hour:minute instead of year-day-month
Since I didn't found a setting or a solution I made a little mod in the template-function.php line 2387 and below.
foreach ($exif as $field => $value) {
$label = $_zp_exifvars[$field][2];
echo "$label:";
echo html_encode($value);
echo "\n";
foreach ($exif as $field => $value) {
$label = $_zp_exifvars[$field][2];
echo "$label:";
if ($field=="EXIFDateTimeOriginal" || $field=="EXIFDateTime"){
$date = new DateTime($value);
echo date_format($date, 'd/m/Y H:i:s');
echo html_encode($value);
echo "\n";
I know that is not a good solution to modify the core files. Every update I must remember to do the same mod.
It would be nice to modify the code with a variable setting in admin (the date format 'd/m/Y H:i:s') so it would be possible to customize as needed.
Perhaps there is another "cleaner" solution. In case let me know, Thank you
There is a define for the data format set for the site: `DATE_FORMAT`.
Probably the cleanest solution would be to add formatting information to the `$_zp_exifvars` array and use that in the output function.