ZenPhoto in AfterCapture Magazine

Hey all,
There's a mention of ZenPhoto in a piece in AfterCapture Magazine.
I think they've confused it with Zenfolio though..
"Zenphoto (www.zenphoto.org) is an even easier albeit less sophisticated gallery to create and maintain, but it is actually maintained by Dreamhost, so very little customization can be performed."

You can see it here:
http://www.aftercapture.com/ Look for the "Web Insight" link ("Build Your Own Searchable Photo Gallery).
Someone on the team may want to respond with the facts... - or not, just thought I'd let you know...


  • The article is actually correct, if a bit misleading. Dreamhost does maintain a one-click install version of zenphoto which is severly limited in what the gallery owner can do vis-a-vie configuration. There seems no contact information for this WEB site. (Or they wish to discourage contact by carefully hiding the information.)
  • you're right, I'm sure it is tough to customize through a fantastico style installer - but it's a shame that the story leads a reader to believe ZenPhoto is so limited.
    Although - it is nice that they give the link...

    I've tried almost every gallery software out there - I find ZenPhoto to be clearly at the top of the pile... ;-)

    The contact info is tucked away here
  • Thanks for the contact link. I've droped them a line. We will see if it goes anywhere.
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