I would like to store and view pdf files that are stored on line and even download them.
Your overview says that pdf files are supported.
I can upload them OK and they produce a version of the acrobat icon as a thumbnail, but when I click on them nothing happens , at least it opens the page but nothing appears in the placeholder.
Is there something I should be enabling ar do I need to install a plugin
Please help
Just curious, where do you see in the overview that pdf files are supported?
But it is clearly marked with a star and a footnote telling this is via a plugin. I just added a note "(basic support only)" to at least indicate it is not fully like with others.
May have misunderstood that it meant you could view them as well
Is there any way I can view them within zenphoto or create a link for download?
If so how and if a plugin is needed what would it be
My colleague already linked to the plugins that are available for pdfs. The first is 3rd party and sadly not available anymore.
Using the WEBDOCS one I have got to work thanks for your help
The list of file extensions shown on the upload tab is the list that Zenphoto thinks is supported. There are two sources for the extensions.
First is the list provided by the graphics conversion library. I know that Imagick supports PDF, but the Imagick library support claims to blacklist that support. The GD library does not support PDF. Do you have Imagick selected?
The list is augmented by the "image handler" plugins like WEBDOCS. If a plugin supports an extension it will add it to the list.