Hi, new here and 1st of all thx to the devs due this fantastic CMS. Installing was a breeze and I'm already uploading content.

Now my question: On the albums page it says "x Images" (the # of images in the album) under the thumbnails. Is it possible to change it to "x Songs" for a certain album containing mp3's? Or "x Videos" if the album contains vids?
I wouldn't mind to "hardwire" a certain album name to this modification (let's say: only the album "myAudioFiles" gets the "Songs-Label") somewhere in the php-files. But - you guess it - I have no clue how to do it.
Thx in advance for any hint.
See the theming tutorial to learn the basics.
I just need something like "if album-title=('music') echo ... ('Songs')" so to speak...
0)) echo 'smallthumbs'; ?>">
<?php if (getNumAlbums() > 0) { echo getNumAlbums().' '.gettext('subalbums'); } ?>
<?php if (getNumImages() > 0) { echo getNumImages().' '.gettext('images'); } ?>
I've exchanged 'images' with 'files' and it works so this is the right part to change.