Google Maps bug

Hi all,

There's an issue with the Google Maps API where it will display half the map correctly, the other half is all grey. If you resize your browser window, it works fine. You can see it documented here:

It's also been documented in the ZP Trac here:
This is what it looks like when it occurs:

It's been marked as fixed on TRAC.

You can also see it on my site here: (that's the only image I GPS-tagged...)

I downloaded and tried the new google_maps.php file they had, but this is obviously still a bug. It only happens in Firefox and Opera; it seems to be fine in IE.

Does anyone know of a workaround?


  • This is an issue with the google maps software. It does not render correctly if the image is 'invisible' when it is rendering. We have changed the default in the nightly builds to initially show the map (you can later hide it.) You can install the nightly build or you can modify the calls on the printImageMap() or printAlbumMap() functons to pass `false` for the $toggle parmeter.
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