Odd bugs when running on a subdomain

I switched from running zenphoto in a folder to running it off a sub domain and while most of the app is working, there are several bugs that I was hoping to fix.

The biggest problem is editing image information does not save into the database, the information is clear out instead. Actually, the admin section clears out any fields that I currently try to save. Also, is mod_rewrite still not an option?

It almost seems like this isn't worth the hassle.. Do I need to move the installation into a directory on the sub domain for all features to work or is using godaddy with this configuration is not an option?


  • I ran into similar problems with 1.2 about saving and renaming.

    I fixed that by updating to a nighly build, what version are you running?
  • 1.2 (2213)
  • also check to see that there is a folder zp-core/locales/en_US and if not create it.

    You may not have run setup after moving the install. For mod_rewrite to work the .htaccess must have the correct rewrite base.
  • Okay, there actually wasn't the en_US folder but I did start over with a new installation of 1.2.
  • Anyone have anymore ideas? Should I reinstall into a sub-directory on the sub-domain?

    I'm using the same directory as the installation of the gallery, I just pointed the subdomain to that folder and reinstalled with 1.2 and it wouldn't work with mod_rewrite on anymore, and has the errors I listed above.
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