Photo of the Day to the Index page


Please could someone help me with adding a 'photo of the day' to the home page. I would like this to appear above the gallery thumbs.

The image could be populated from a specific gallery (ie I could create a gallery called 'photo of the day' and just keep one photo in there) or it could automatically select the image last uploaded from a gallery. I don't mind which - whichever is easiest to implement.

I have modified the default/dark template. My site so far is



  • download the nightly build and take a look at the Effervescence+ theme. Look at the file indexpage.php. It places an image of the day picture on the home page. The image is randomly choosen, but you could select a image any way you wish.

    Please note that this uses functions that are not available in the base 1.2 release.
  • Hi.
    I'm not an expert but in order to do that, I'd try this way :
    1. I would tag every strip I want to show on the index page (with "photo of the day" for example).

    2. I would create a dynamic album using this tag.

    3. Then, I would use the printLatestAlbums functions of the image_album_statistics plugin to display this specific album on the home page.
  • Sorry, I haven't seen the post by sbillard. Trust him !!
  • Thanks sbillard and flu. I have checked out the Effervescence theme and have found the code referring to the photo of the day. I have copy/pasted it into my page but I am guessing it's not as easy as that!

    I get this error message...

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function makeimagecurrent() in
    /home/jeffncou/public_html/ on line 24

    I am a newbie to zenphoto and php - would you be able to help me with a more detailed explanation. Thanks for your help
  • I think you missed the part which says that you need to install the nightly build. That function does not exist in the 1.2 release.
  • Hi sbillard. I have downloaded the nightly build but want to double check my next move. After I install the update do I need to use the effervescence theme for my site to get the photo of the day function? If possible I would like to stick to the default/dark theme but with the photo of the day feature. Is this possible?
  • You do not have to use the EF+ theme. That is just for an example. But of course, you will have to add the code to any other theme you wish to use.
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