Please could someone help me with adding a 'photo of the day' to the home page. I would like this to appear above the gallery thumbs.
The image could be populated from a specific gallery (ie I could create a gallery called 'photo of the day' and just keep one photo in there) or it could automatically select the image last uploaded from a gallery. I don't mind which - whichever is easiest to implement.
I have modified the default/dark template. My site so far is www.hedshot.co.uk
Please note that this uses functions that are not available in the base 1.2 release.
I'm not an expert but in order to do that, I'd try this way :
1. I would tag every strip I want to show on the index page (with "photo of the day" for example).
2. I would create a dynamic album using this tag.
3. Then, I would use the printLatestAlbums functions of the image_album_statistics plugin to display this specific album on the home page.
I get this error message...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function makeimagecurrent() in
/home/jeffncou/public_html/hedshot.co.uk/themes/default/index.php on line 24
I am a newbie to zenphoto and php - would you be able to help me with a more detailed explanation. Thanks for your help