some photos don't get cached

i don't understand why :S the images are in the albums folder, and where there are two images, one will cache fine but the other not. what's going on?


  • what else you got? everything is fine, i double checked just in case. i tested by uploading a new image to that folder, and it does create a cache image, yet, when i reupload that image that is giving me issues it doesn't create the cache image :S
  • wonderful. on a whole other setup of zenphoto i use for more professional aspects of my photography it's doing the same thing. i upload a ton of photos and there are a handful that don't cache. wtf?!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Calm down and let us see your sites, if you're willing to give us the URLs, we can help you if you let us.

    It's most likely an issue with either a) the naming of the files, or b) the number of pixels in the files (not file size, but image size). We can find out quickly and easily if you give a URL. Thanks.
  • How many MP does your camera have? If it has over 10 or close to 10, your images are probably just too physically large... Re-size them!
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