It would be great to have individual albums that can be password protected with a nice password field instead of the clunky-looking .htaccess dialog box. What I'm thinking is something where when the list of albums are listed, if one is password protected, it would still be listed, but instead of showing a thumbnail of one of the pictures, it would show a picture of a lock or so.
We are trying to keep it simple; this isn't something necessary for the simplest photo albums, so it will take a little thought before we throw it in there. It's a good useful feature, though, so it will probably eventually be added.
Until then, use .htaccess authentication! Sorry.
1. Placed a .htaccess file in /gallery/albums/targetalbum
2. Fixed the path in .htaccess
3. Placed a .htpasswd in the relevant location specified in the .htaccess path.
This does not work even with mod_rewrite disabled so what am I doing wrong.
Instead of popping up a Dialog Box this just causes a message, "Zenphoto Error: "
Place the corresponding .htpasswd file outside your domain folder for safety and indicate the server path at time of creating your .htaccess file. A bit of trial and error does the trick.
What held me up (since I am new to all this) is that I was using .htaccess to forward my domain root (i.e. to using .htaccess and that .htaccess file in my domain root was conflicting with the one in /gallery/albums/targetalbum. Unless you are a.htaccess guru use a PHP script to do any forwarding or your host's server side solution (if available) not .htaccess.