I have 3 albums. Each album has 3 pics.
I would like a way to display my Zenphoto Home Page like:
Album 1 Title
Thumb 1 - Thumb 2 - Thumb 3
Album 2 Title
Thumb 1 - Thumb 2 - Thumb 3
Album 3 Title
Thumb 1 - Thumb 2 - Thumb 3
I'm assuming this is fairly straightfoward with some coding tweaks.
Also, after a while there may be more than 3 albums and more than 3 pics in each album.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
Just copy the code from the album.php file, in the `while (next_image()):` block, into the `while(next_album)):` block of index.php, right after the album thumbnail, in whatever HTML structure you want. Then you will get the album's images after the album thumbnail and can style it however you like.
I get an odd error:
[code]Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/mysiteuk/public_html/wordpress/zenphoto/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 307.[/code]
Here's my code:
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
<?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?><?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Is this correct?
Like I say, it does display them all OK, but gives me the error and crashes my page.
Line 307 of 'template-functions.php' is:
return count($_zp_current_album->getSubalbums());
Had kept this in:
<?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?>
*runs off, slightly ashamed*
Thanks for the help folks!