

Is it possible when I upload a high resolution image to get smaller resolution sizes too?

Like 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024 etc.. wihout having to upload a different resolution of the same image?



  • Yes, zenphoto resizes photos to the size needed for display. The standard themes all display a "normal sized" resize of the image based on the options you set. If you want multiple different sizes you would need to customize the theme for that.
  • Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

    Each image has a link "Full Size". What I need is to have a link for 800x600, 1024x768 etc. so it has to resize the image on the fly.
  • No, you were clear. You can do that if you wish. But it is not done in any of the distributed themes.
  • Is there any theme even if I have to pay for it that can provide that option?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, sorry, there is no theme that provides that option. If you know php you can do that yourself, take a look at our functions guide and search for customsizeimage functions.
  • Thanks I will give it a try I have find how to do it but need to work on it how to crop/resize each image only to lower resolution than the original size.

    What I have found till now is this:

    " title="<?php echo strip_tags(getImageTitle());?>"><?php echo gettext('800x600'); ?>

    " title="<?php echo strip_tags(getImageTitle());?>"><?php echo gettext('1024x768'); ?>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The code you posted is not readable, you need to put it into `backticks`.

    but need to work on it how to crop/resize each image only to lower resolution than the original size.
    You find all info on how to do that on our functions guide. Of course you will need some php knowledge to get that working.
  • I have modified my post, is it ok now?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, now ok. You found the correct functions.
  • `<?php echo "<a href='".getCustomImageURL($size, $width=2560, $height=1600, $cropw=2560, $croph=1600, $cropx=NULL, $cropy=NULL)."'>2560x1600 Wide" ; ?>`

    I found that way to make multiple links for different resolutions. Now what I am trying to find out is how to resize only to smaller resolutions, it would look very bad to resize from 800x600 to 2560x1600.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please review our functions guide, we have functions for getting the width and height of an image.
  • How can I avoid cropping? When I use the first variabled getCustomImageURL($size, $width=2560, $height=1600 it crops the image instead of just resizing.

    Oh you have answered me on another thread where I asked about $size, I will try to use getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace.

    Thanks a lot
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