trouble with the search results "album"

Hello. I've made my own theme, and I think I must have left something behind somewhere along the way.

My search works, and the thumbnails come up correctly. And they link to the pix, but the user is then taken to an image page that has a few problems. In a nutshell, it's basically the image page as it appears when you browse to that image via it's normal album, instead of living inside a temporary search results "album."

So my question is, how do I establish that temporary search results "album" that lets users navigate through their current search results?

If you need the url, it's, then you can search for "belle" which should give 5 results.

Thanks in advance, and if this is too complicated to explain, just let me know and I'll keep trying to figure it out myself.


  • You should probably give the nightly build a try. There were some problems fixed with search results a while back. Or, you can wait until Wednesday and update to version 1.2.1.
  • okay. will do. thanks for the tip. i'll keep my fingers crossed that it's not something i broke. :)
  • ok, well I'm back to this issue. I have definitely broken something in my customized theme. If I use the default theme, then a virtual album is created when I search, and the user is allowed to proceed through that album normally after they click one of the pix. if I use MY theme, then clicking one of the pix on the search results page hyperspaces the user to the image page for that pic in its normal album. i.e., there is no virtual search album created. i'm calling the printsearchform function in the same way as the default theme, but I must be missing something somewhere along the way. can anybody give me a hint as to where to look to find my error in setting up the search results album?

    thanks in advance!
  • Since the problem occurs when you click on an image from the search result, it is probably the image loop that is the cause. Compare your image loop with the one from the search page.
  • Yea, that's what I thought, but I wonder if it's BEFORE that somewhere. I actually just replaced my search.php with Default's search.php and I have the same problem.

    I've been examining Default's search.php and I can't figure out WHERE it designates that the search set images get put into their own virtual album. The thumbs use this function as their link: getImageLinkURL() I'm using the same function, but I think unless some switch is flipped somewhere, this just shoots the user into the image's normal album.

    So another way to ask my question is this:
    Why doesn't this happen with Default's search.php? Why don't those links just link to the images' normal locations?
  • ... i think i might have figured this out... working on it...
  • The links to the image should be to the normal image location. All that happens in a search is that the breadcrumbs are set to reflect the search, not the normal album heirarchy.
  • yep, finally figured that out. my problem is that i've written custom functionality that, via rollovers, shows thumbs of all the pix in the album. i've decided that the simplest solution is to just disable it for search results. not a perfect solution, but it will have to do since anything else is probably too much trouble. in any case, thanks for the help with this!
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