In case people miss the comment/response on noscope, I would like to have the cookie integrated with WordPress, to the degree of something such as `if WPuserid ! '' then ZPloggedinstatus = true`
How difficult do you think this would be Tristan? I took a look at the WP>PHPbb method, and it basically creates new users in each database to reflect any inconsistencies. I think this would be unnecessary for what I'm looking at, since it would probably also required some core modifications to work with multiple users, of which have little importance to me as long as if a user is logged into wordpress, then they are logged in under the admin account in ZP.
For comments, I can easily use the cookied wordpress name/email/website. Not hard at all.
I could always write a simple plugin to add an admin-photos page that would have a login form with the zpusername and password already filled in...
Since you know PHP I can assume you can figure that out. Take a look at zp_auth.php.