I have a weird issue with one (and only one) of my images. In my Firefox (xubuntu 12.10, ff 18.02) it looks purple and has artifacts (affecting all resized versions), in all other browsers it is blue and clean.
I tried: clear browser cache, clear zenphoto cache, logged in/logged out, moved image to different album, used private browsing, reuploaded under different name.
My Opera and Chromium display it correctly, a friends's linux/ff displays it correctly, friend's mac/firefox displays it correctly.
I really don't know what to do in order to find out what's going on.
This is
the image in question, I also made a
side-by-side comparison.
...and now I see, that even my side-by-side-comparison is screwed by firefox, making the purple one even more purple and the blue one purple – so it probably has nothing to do with ZenPhoto, but maybe I can still ask this question here?
I haven't kept track which browser now does support color profiles.
Edit: I assigned sRGB now and that fixed it. Thank's again!