getCustomImageURL [line 2150]
Returns the url to the image in that dimensions you define with this function.
int $size: the size of the image to have
int $width: width
int $height: height
int $cropw: cropwidth
int $croph: crop height
int $cropx: crop part x axis
int $cropy: crop part y axis
bool $thumbStandin: set true to inhibit watermarking
Can somebody explain to me what $size means? You can set width and height and that one is confusing me. Thanks
If you want to set a max width and an max height so that no image get bigger than lets say 800 x 600 then you could use the new 1.2.1 maxspace functions (search for that on our functions guide).
Anyone that can help please, I am trying to get a resized photo at specific resolution, not cropped one.
If you want to use the albumthumb variant you need to use the nightly/svn since the 1.2.1 ones contains some bugs.
I'm using a galleria / zenphoto theme with the action taking place on `album.php`. Here's my code for the loop:
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>
>" title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageDesc(),getImageTitle()); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Replacing `getCustomImageURL(500)` with `getCustomSizedImageMaxSpace($width=675, $height=550)` is what I understand should work, but it isn't - neither the custom sized images nor the thumbs load. Am I doing something wrong?
I guess one solution is to size each image exactly and use `getFullImageURL()`.
So, the call you want is `getCustomImageURL(NULL, 675, 550)`. You could also do a search on `getCustomImageURL` and see how other themes are using it.