html markup in description


Have been trying out Zenphoto for a photographer's website I'm designing. I really like the interface. As I'm setting up the information architecture, I just have one question. I would like to set up reciprocal links between photographs and the blog posts that discuss them. Is there an easy way to configure zenphoto to accept hyperlink tags in photo description fields?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto allows hyperlink tags in the descriptions fields by default. You can also edit the "allow tags" on the gallery admin options.
  • Thank you acrylian. I feel foolish now.

    However, the hyperlink tag was in fact not working on Zenphoto, despite being enabled in the gallery admin options. I've upgraded to 1.2.1, however, and now it's working fine.
  • Hi, I am having trouble integrating paypal buttons in my description field (zenpaypal was no good and too frustrating to try and make work on my VPS)...I have setup all tags and attributes appropriately in the admin section to allow all the necessary form tags....but it is still stripping most of all attributes after the first one in each tag? please help! very confused
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