One day after the release of Zenphoto 1.2.1 I finally can announce the initial release of Zenpage. Releasing at the same time was prevented by different time zones yesterday. Here is the official release post: I don't want to write the same here again...:-)
Download and more information also on the Zenpage project site:
http://zenpage.maltem.deHappy testing and hopefully an unsuccessful bug hunt!
Zenpage will now create the required database tables and the optional upload folder.
Creating the database tables for zenpage:
Table `zp_zenpage_news` could not be created!
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci' at line 18
Table `zp_zenpage_news_categories` could not be created!
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci' at line 8
Table `zp_zenpage_news2cat` could not be created!
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci' at line 6
Table `zp_zenpage_pages` could not be created!
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci' at line 20
Creating the zenpage upload folder in the root directory of your zenphoto installation:
Upload folder ../../../uploaded/ has been successfully created (or already exists).
had this problem also (the utf8 thing) a week ago with zenphoto nightly builds but this dissapeared some builds later..
guess itÅ› my database..
thank you for zenpage plugin but when i click on zenpage tab i have this error :
Zenphoto Error
La requête MySQL ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM zp_zenpage_news_categories ORDER by cat_name ) a échoué. Erreur : Table 'zenphoto.zp_zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist
can you help me ?
by advance thank you
with this zenphoto is complete!
Ow Mighty Acryllian, where is though pay-pal donate button?!
I am getting the same error as plsk.
After activating the ZenPage plugin I get a new "ZenPage" tab at the top of the page. When I click on this tab I get:
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM `zenpage_news_categories` ORDER by cat_name ) failed. Error: Table '###.zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist
Where ### is the name of my database
When I check the database there are no new tables created for Zenpage. I appears that the zenpage install has not run correctly.
ZenPhoto: 1.2.1
PHP version: 5.2.5
I don't understand why but this worked for me.
1. Activate ZenPage under "Admin > Plugins"
2. Go to "themes" tab and select Zenpage-Default
3. Browse to your ZenPhoto home page (the ZenPage config screen should appear)
4. Click "Go" to install ZenPage
Hope this helps.
MySQL Query ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM `zp_zenpage_news_categories` ORDER by cat_name ) failed. Error: Table 'domzen.zp_zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist
@BertSimons: Hahah, thanks. Well, maybe I should open an paypal account..:-) For now, you can just use the paypal button on
I've installed it and it works (even if I get a Warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /home/myincrediblesupersite/zp-core/functions-i18n.php on line 375 when I save a page).
Does anybody deals with a french translation ? If not, I can do it.
Thank you so much, I'll test it further !
A french translation is welcome. Please read this small post:
About Zenpage, I've noticed something strange :
In the admin panel, when I click on the title of the page in order to edit it, the content fields are empty (but not the title field nor the titlelink field) even if the the page is already online.
For the translation, I don't exactly understand what's the difference between TitleLink and permaTitlelink...
to sbillard
yeah I have some problems when I want to edit a field with multilingual mode on (some datas are not stored) , I guess I'd better do a fresh install one of these days.
Regarding permaTitlelink / Titlelink that is a minor detail (permaTitlelink should be checked by default). Please read here:
The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: news/category
Image: Politics
Theme page: index