I have implemented a customized version of effervescence_plus on my site. When I first tried the search, even though the profile is set to slimbox the images took you to an image page. Images and slimbox work properly everywhere else.
I looked at the generated code and it was not generating the rel link (rel="lightbox[]") so I modified the image thumb generation code to match that of the albums and made sure the search page is loading the js and css that should be called. After this the click on an image from a search page generates the image but not in the page nor in an actual slimbox.
I have compared the generated code from the albums pages and the search pages and there are no differences that I can find in the calls to load nor the image sections and the lightbox rel call is there.
Since this is an included theme and search is implemented by default I figure someone must have run into this.
you can see the issue by going to:
http://dennsantorophoto.com/fineartlook at an album and you will see slimbox working properly. Do a search on, say, "Germany", and then click an image and you will see how it is borked.
What am I missing? All help appreciated.
That makes no sense.
I used the eff+ from the [9710] (Official Build) and it used slimbox. In fact it is one of three "profile options" in the theme options. It isn't that old. (Apr. 2012)
What has it been replaced with? Am I going to have to do a redevelopment every time I upgrade?
It is a major PITA to have to customize pages in the theme every time and I thought the whole point of being able to duplicate the theme was so it would keep working when upgrading the core. Wasn't that the point?
Did you really do something in the core that breaks the slimbox in search but not in the albums? Do you really expect folks to upgrade and redo all their theme customization every time you have a point release? We just want to run our web sites...
Any actual help still appreciated as well as answers to the above questions.
If you need to "redevelop" depends on your changes. Generally theme do work quite some time without much changes. As said really no way we can take care about customizations.
Anyway, we don't use or support that older version (we clearly state that we can only support the current one on the forum rules) due to lacking resources.
Eff+ now uses Colorbox. That works the same actually. I am not familiar with this theme that much, my colleague is though.
In any case you should try the current official one to see if it is that way. If it is it might be a bug and you should open a ticket.
Of course you are not required to upgrade. But in the same vein we are not required to support old releases. As to why your change does not work, well, we do not know. Nor are we going to try to figure it out, since that would be pointless to our current release.
Colorbox is available and working on the current release, though, and as acrylian says, provides the same functionality as slimbox did.
The other point of duplicating the theme is that you can then easily compare your version with the newer version to see where changes might be needed in your modified version.
Seems this must have come up while it was supported, which was only up to about 9 months ago.
Besodes all these "lightbox" type scripts work quite similar so it is not that much work to adjust.
Sorry, but if you choose to use a selfhosted tool like Zenphoto you have to do a bit of work yourself. Why don't you try it? http://www.zenphoto.org/demo/?themeSwitcher=effervescence_plus
Again if you find something wrong or missing you should open a ticket on the bugtracker.
Also you should upgrade anyway. We don't release new versions for no reason.
When I get there there is a picture of the day. If I go to any album I get errors and big X's, no images. And since I can't see any tags I'd need a working search term to help find something.
Let me know when the demo is working.
As for "doing a bit of work, have you been to my site? (link is in the first post in the thread) I did a crap load of work. And have had to do quite a lot each time I have upgraded. I'm not adverse to doing the work but having to recustomize the theme pretty much every upgrade gets a bit onerous and generally eats up a day or more of my time. So I was really hoping that the whole "copy of theme" thing would end that treadmill.
went to another mac. Tried it on chrome. Same behavior. Tried some other themes and parameters. Lots of it is completely borked; especially when you try a search. It will be a good tool when you get it working. I hope you'll post back when it is or send it out in your news mails like you do on the releases of updates. I really think that could be an excellent place to look at what the themes might do rather than having to install and test locally or live.
Just to note regarding "work on every update": Our own site's theme is quite a custom one with lots of extra functionality and we (respectively I being mainly responsible for it) didn't have too much work with it the last years. Same on other sites. Of course if someone would leave out years of updates he will get quite a lot of work to do.
Regarding the demo not working: Thanks for the note. We recently moved to a new server and maybe there is something not right for that install. I will talk to our server admin.
First, for whatever reason, the line
$themeResult = getTheme($zenCSS, $themeColor, 'dslight');
is no longer at the top of pages like indexpage and gallery after
if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
so it does not pick up the style defined in the theme options (in this case, dslight which is mine and added to the set that come with the theme.) Adding it back did work.
In addition, the page completely breaks on this
<?php printAlbumMenuList("list-top",'','','mmhere','',"","", false)?>
Which I have been using for ages to produce a submenu. Has this been replaced with another function or set of functions or is it just broken in this version of ZP? If the former, please point me in the right direction.
As for the "work on every update" issue, I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you and I understand that the customization I do is not directly supported by you. My customization isn't that complex. It makes the zp pages look like the rest of the site, basically. But when I do an upgrade and actual functions break and I have to find a new way to implement the function it would be great to see a head's up before I do it. The change logs could use a better search capacity for that purpose.
There are other things broken on your site besides the theme demo. For example, go here:
and click on a theme image. Ooops...
Anyway, thanks for the replies and thanks for ZP.
Just a small suggestion for you to save you the difficulties you have been going through with the upgrade.
First, upgrade slowly--that is one feature release at a step. That minimizes the changes.
Second, keep a copy of the distributed version of the theme from the old release to compare with the new one. That will show you exactly what we have changed.
Third, consider making a repository of your theme using GitHub. That tool has some good merging capabilities, so it might just be possilble for you to merge the new version of the theme into your existing one.
Thanks for the link pointer. Looks like the mod_rewrite prefix must have been "hard coded" on those links. On the site now it is `.html` not `.php`. Have to find and fix that.
Here is another issue with the new eff+. YOu have changed the way the slideshow is called (moving it into the functions.php and, stangely, calling the one in the eff+ original folder even though I'm using a custom copy, which just seems wrong to me).
But the problem is, when I do a search, I get a view slideshow link on the search page (as I do on image pages, and as I want and as I do on thumbnail pages in the regular galleries). But although it works on the gallery thumbnails it just brings up a basically blank screen on attempting to run it from the search results. You can see this behavior on the default version of eff+, no customization (I'm using colorbox, which is working).
The form in the regular page generates as:
View Slideshow
`while from the search it looks like this:
View Slideshow
`So perhaps you can ID the problem here. Hard to turn off the slideshow link now that it is buried in the image function and I want ti for both images and searches anyway.
Well, that is odd. It sure isn't working for me although I'm using the actual last release.
Try going here
and searching for "slingshot" and then try and run the slideshow from the search results. This is the same behavior I got in the default setup before I did any customization.
If you are interested in checking it out, contact me through the site and i'll get you in. I hoped that just the code above would be enough since it should work in one and does in the other.
As I said, it is the latest actual release, not a support build ( but, as I said, even just installing that build and going to eff+ and using colorbox and then doing a search you get exactly the same results. Don't you have the ability to have a current install of that version to test it? it would seem you might as a developer on the project.
I just tried Eff+ with a search locally with the latest support build and the slideshow in colorbox mode works as intended.
Of course I have the ability to test with any build. But why would I do that? If you want a fix you have to use the builds that have fixes in them.
Back on topic, I did a clean install of the whole zenphoto (from the same zip file). You are correct, in this the search does create a working slideshow link. Oddly, it shows a link to nonexistent folders as in:
While in the other variant, it calls completely differently as in:
Both are using the same call (from the functions.php in colorbox under the eff+ theme whether I use the theme itself or use a customized copy of the theme as far as I can tell). Why even a copy of the theme would call back to the original instance of the theme is beyond me since the whole theme gets copied.
And how does the system uses nonexistent folders on one implementation and completely different calls in another when I have not changed that as far as i can see (nor do I know how nonexistent folders can work unless you have some sort of aliasing system I have not found).
But if that gives you any clues that might help I'd love to hear them. In the meantime I have had to edit the actual functions.php under colorbox to wrap the call in a div so on the search result page I can hide the nonfunctioning link. Not an optimal solution.