Integrate thumbnails into existing website

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  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. Easiest way: Make a zenphoto theme that looks like your site.
    2. (also lots of threads about that)

    Also please read
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  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, you miss a point..:-) That is a Zenphoto tutorial and focusses on Zenphoto PHP functions and how to use them for a theme. Zenphoto themes are besides that plain (x)html and css. We really can't tell the basics of html and css, especially since there are lots of better sources already out there. I hope you understand that.

    The slow loading should happen only once when Zenphoto generates the thumbs from your full size images for the cache. The slower your server/the bigger your images/the more thumbs per page the longer that takes.
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