I'm trying to make my zenphoto site a page with a random image. I have used code from the effervescence theme to do it. Everything works ok except for watermarking. Watermarking is on on the site and works when using the printCustomSizedImage (see
http://xraynaudphotos.ovh.org/index.php?album=Paysages&image=pict1625_1.jpg for example). However, when using the getCustomImage to show the Random image, the image is not watermarked. There is an option to inhibit watermarking in getCustomImage but setting it to false or true does not change anything. I'd be gratefull to anybody who could explain me how watermarking works. Thanks.
code `
<?php if (!checkForPassword()) { ?>
<div id="image">
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
if (getFullWidth() === getFullHeight() OR getFullWidth() > getFullHeight()) { printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, null,400);
} else {
printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, 400 , null);
$randomImage = getRandomImages();
$randomImageURL = htmlspecialchars(getURL($randomImage));
#$album = $randomImage->getAlbum();
#echo $randomImageURL
echo "<img src='".htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getCustomImage(null, null, null, null, null, 400,null,false))."' class=\"foo\" height=400 alt=".'"'. htmlspecialchars($randomAlt1, ENT_QUOTES). ":\n".htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).'" />';
You can see the result here: http://xraynaudphotos.ovh.org/index.php?album=Nature&image=Farc04_1.jpg. The left picture is watermarked, the right one isn't. Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks.
Watermark is the small red signature on the bottom right of the picture.
BTW, you should enclose code in "peck" marks (below the tilds at the left of the numberic keys on the US keyboard.) otherwise not everything gets shown.
Thanks for your help.