Problem with polish encoding utf 8 and polish letters ąęćłżźóś..

Hi When I input polish letters: ąęłźć etc. in descriptions of albums or photos
in my new 1.2.1 zenphoto gallery I get:
?…?…?…?™?™?™?™??€š??€š??€š ?…?…?…źźź?‡?‡?‡
Samething is wrong. I have new instalation of zenphoto and UTF-8 encoding in options and zp-config.php.
You can try this at:


  • Please move this thread to:
    I think that's the same problem.
  • We are working to fix some issues involving UTF-8 encodings ( Currently the only solution is to

    1. Use the nightly build
    2. Update the table in the `sanitize_strings()` function to include the characters you are having problems with.
  • @sbillard

    I am trying to figure out what you mean by point nr. 2. where can I put my special characters.

    as I am having this same problem and I just installed a fresh nightly build to play with, put my database as UTF-8 before starting and a closer look afterward I can see all the tables are UTF-8, not like my previous test had some Swedish tables.

    What I get on the web and in the database is

    Prufa að setja à slenska stafi à þetta er UTF-8 að virka à áóúéþðö
    but it should look more like

    Prufa að setja íslenska stafi í þetta er UTF-8 að virka íáóúéþðö
  • Well, it is mostly moot now. Upgrade to the current nightly build as we have fixed the root problem.
  • it seems like there are still some problems with encoding. As I can see many people have..

    I am still running into identical problems as 2 posts before.

    I have updated to `[2753]`

    During the update the setup asked me to change my php.ini file so I did, to this.
    `mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 ;`

    My database has always been set to UTF-8. I am running 2 test installations and I have the same problem on both. One of them was installed some time ago and has been updated a lot and still has some Swedish encoding on tables in database. and then 1 who I installed after I changed the default encoding in the database to UTF-8 so all its tables do have UTF-8.
  • me too the update asked me to change my php.ini file, my provider though does not allow me to acces the php.ini. I added the following to the .htacces file;

    php_value mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8

    no warning anymore and accented characters appear ok..
  • Hi
    I am using latest build:
    When I upgrading my zenphoto there is information that:

    Setting mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 in your php.ini file is recommended to insure accented and multi-byte characters function properly.

    When I am changing .htaccess in my gallery folder and adding:
    php_value mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8

    I see Eror serwer 500
    What I can do moore to see polish characters ?
  • I added ąśćńęł etc to sanitize_strings() and now can see it in descriptions but
    in dates etc I still dont have polish strings :(
  • @mironb

    could you please tell me where sanitize_strings() is... As I asked before and did not get that answered. because I would like to add áéíóúðþæö to there. Thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    In zenphoto 1.2.1 that is in functions.php, in the nightliy it's in functions-basic.php. But the nightly does not have that array to add characters anymore. Instead sbillard and krainbolt were/are working on solving the general issue.
  • No wonder I didnt find it I looked all over the place.

    Is there a manual way to put it back in for the time being or will the wait for a fix be the way to go?
  • For me sanitize_strings() are in admin/ options /gallery configuration/ allowed tags Now I know thats wrong but mayby it will help you:
    In my version it looks like this:

    a => (href => () title => ())
    abbr => (title => ())
    acronym => (title => ())
    b => ()
    blockquote => (cite => ())
    code => ()
    em => ()
    i => ()
    strike => ()
    strong => ()
    ul => ()
    ol => ()
    li => ()
    p => ()
    Å› => ()
    Ä™ => ()
    ź => ()
    ż => ()
    Å‚ => ()
    Å„ => ()
    ó => ()
    Ä™ => ()
    Ä… => ()
    ć => ()
  • interesting way of going around an issue. however it did not work for me, I am not surprised as it is all screwed up in the database after zenphoto reads it in to begin with. Lets hope for a fix soon.
  • So if I ask again...

    Is there a manual way to put it back in for the time being or will the wait for a fix be the way to go? I am wondering about my own web page as it is on hold.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can use Zenphoto 1.2.1 if want to add characters to the sanitize_string function. sbillard is on vacation for a week so there will not much happen in this time. I am not familiar with those parts.
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