zenpage, add gallery images to news article

I want to insert an image that resides in my zenphoto albums into a news article that links to that image.

inserting an image with the tinymce works but:
I have to browse to the album, copy the image location, paste that in the imagelink insert and then switch to html mode in the editor to put a link to the image with the code.

using the codeblock with <?php printLatestImages(1,"paperworks/mao",true);?> works also to put one image as specific as the latest image in this case into the article...

Am I missing an other way to do this?
maybe the ability to not only look in the rootfolder (where you upload zenpage pics) so that you can browse to other folders cq albums?

because i think this seems a pretty common thing to do, to link to an album/image which you announce in a news article.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, that's why I implemented the CombiNews feature for much more convenience. If you use that every image you upload to the gallery will be shown within the news section as if it was an article. There is an option to either link to the image page or to the album.

    Another way is to move the albums folder into the uploaded folder. Remember you have to change the path in zp-config.php then.
    Also be careful if modifying an image to post so that you don't overwrite it accidentally. A little hidden but the ajax file manager has image resizing, cropping and rotating functionality accessablie via context menu when clicking on an image.
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