Zenpage-default theme and Internet Explorer

So I'm helping some folks set up their Zenphoto gallery with Zenpage setup and noticed that the zenpage-default theme looks misaligned on Explorer 6. I was so excited that I finally did the whole set-up with very little problems (if not, none at all).

But then I get an email this morning and was told that on the index, the album names are cut off. Then when you click on it, all the thumbnails show just fine with the sidebar aligned right. Click on the thumb for a larger image and it throws the sidebar off.

I don't really use explorer so I didn't know about it until someone brought it up. Now, is this something I could do with the CSS to get it aligned correctly? The website is here: http://dallasalicerocks.com/gallery/

Thanks in advance. Zenphoto and Zenpage is awesome!!!


  • MSIE6 is a CSS developer's nightmare.

    I can tell you that, for one, in your image.php, you are missing a </div> before your sidemenu. This is causing your sidemenu to be placed in its own <div> within the content-left.

    As for your album titles, you should play around with the h3 part of that in your css.
  • Thanks for the tip, lucian. I must've done something to accidentally delete the </div> because now it's also misaligning on my Firefox (Mac) at home.

    By the way, I like what you did to your site. How did you display the news section in the index? I like that idea instead of the album thumbs.

    Thanks again!
  • I believe zenpage has a choice in the options as to whether you want to display news on the main page.
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