unpublished album pictures showing up in archive view

Hi. I am running a new fresh install of 1.2.1. I have created four photo albums. Two are published and two are unpublished. Of the two that are unpublished one has a password and one does not. All of the pictures from the unpublished/non-password protected album are showing up in the archive view. I published/unpublished the album again but that didn't help. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


  • Are you still logged on as admin? If so, you will see those pictures.
  • No, I have logged out. The albums do not show up in the gallery, just the pictures in the archive view. I had someone else on another computer check it as well and they could see the pictures in the archive view too. Thanks for your reply though.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try to clear the cookies. Some browsers do not always log out properly (I encounter that once a while with Safari).
  • It's definitely not a cookie/cache problem. The other computer I had check it had NEVER been to my site before and didn't have any passwords so they couldn't have logged in.
  • This looks like a bug. Please file a ticket so that we won't forget to address it.
  • Done. Ticket #804.
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