Illegal characters in tag search?

I have 2 issues that occur in search & in Tag Cloud.

1.) The tag "Bob & Mary" does not produce results in Tag Cloud.
Using the search function to search for "Bob & Mary" produces results.
"&" character is the issue.

2.) The Tag "Johnson's" produces a server error in the Tag Cloud "Object not found!"
Using the search function "Johnson's" produces the correct result.
The apostrophe character is the issue here.

Confirmed using ZP approved theme.

Can I fix this with a code modification or would I have to re-tag all photos with these tags, a much bigger task.


  • Probably best you create a problem ticket on this.
  • Stephen,

    It looks like you addressed this at github. Thanks so much!

    I don't fully understand how to download the latest code at Github. Do I just hit the Code tab, and then the ZIP button to download the latest version? I realize this will be a beta version.
  • I see the code changes are in the master file. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    If you go to, you can click the ZIP button which will let you download the complete and most current release of the 1.4.4 branch.(i.e. with the latest bug fixes)

    EDIT: too late ;-)
  • Both searches work perfectly now. You are the greatest!!!
  • There is also a link on our download page to the support build. It is over to the right of the download buttons. This is to the zip file that is made from the current master build.
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