Zenpage - news.php bug fix?

Hey acrylian, I just noticed that your zenpage-default news.php code may have a bug in which the latest article posted would not display the next article link. Let me know if I'm wrong.

// single news article
if(is_NewsArticle()) {
<?php if(getPrevNewsURL()) { ?><div class="singlenews_prev"><?php printPrevNewsLink(); ?></div><?php } ?>
<?php if(getPrevNewsURL()) { ?><div class="singlenews_next"><?php printNextNewsLink(); ?></div><?php } ?>
<?php if(getPrevNewsURL() OR getPrevNewsURL()) { ?><br clear:both /><?php } ?>

should be changed to:

// single news article
if(is_NewsArticle()) {
<?php if(getPrevNewsURL()) { ?><div class="singlenews_prev"><?php printPrevNewsLink(); ?></div><?php } ?>
<?php if(getNextNewsURL()) { ?><div class="singlenews_next"><?php printNextNewsLink(); ?></div><?php } ?>
<?php if(getPrevNewsURL() OR getNextNewsURL()) { ?><br clear:both /><?php } ?>


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks! I already noticed that, fix will be in the svn today.
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