language change between "archive view" and result (search)

fretzl Administrator, Developer
Hi all,

Zenphoto 1.2 Default theme.

When in archive-view my language setting works well.
The names of the months get translated properly into Dutch.

When I follow one of the (archive)links, the result displays the found images(thumbnails)like it should.
But the name of the month is in English again.

Any suggestions ?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try Zenphoto 1.2.1...:-)
  • Well, you have discovered an omission. So you will have to wait for the fix--tonight's build--and upgrade.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Wow, that was fast !! Thank you so much Malte and Stephen.

    However, after the upgrade I get the same message as several others:

    "Locale functionality is not implemented on your platform or the specified locale does not exist. Language translation may not work."

    Everything is in Enlish and I can't change the language.
    The same happens after fallback to ZP 1.2

    This problem probably already existed. But somehow it all worked.

    I've read everything on the forum and troubleshooting section (I think...)
    about this "locale" thing but can't figure out what to do.
    As far as I can see my Apache server (XAMPP on local machine, Windows Vista) supports lots of languages.

    I'll keep searching but any idea is welcome.

    Thanks again.

    Cheers :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your server/XAMPP needs the gettext extension for php which it probably does not have. Without that translations do not work. Did you check phpinfo() if it does?
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    It has the gettext enabled.

    I should be more specific:

    All the translations (admin and site)work except for de dates (months)
  • It is not actually the `getttext()` functionality that is missing, it is the server configuration for the language. Please see:
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I'll get my local server(XAMPP) configuration sorted out...eventually :)

    I also have my test-site running externally and what matters is that on that server
    the "date-problem" got fixed after the upgrade.
    Everything works like a charm.

    Thanks again for your support!!
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