password protect downloads

Is there a way to password protect full image downloads? I'm setting up a large gallery and all site visitors need open access to thumbs and albums. Only regisitered visitors should be able to use the download option for full image protection.




  • Thanks,
    I've tried the following but I not sure I'm coding correctly:


    Do I have to remove `checkForPassword` elsewhere in the theme. If I set the user/password in the album options this is going to lock the album. I really need open access to all the albums and password just on the full image link.
  • Do you mean separate form the album password protection? No, all you can do is password protect your gallery/album. Set the full image protection to protected. Then only users with the password can view/download the full image.
  • Seperate from album password was what I was after. In other words any visitor can look at albums but full image downloads only available with password.
    I'm slightly confused by your reply - if album is already password protected why would there be a need to full image protection ?
  • Would be great if we could password protect the final "Full Image" with a password.

    Would really simply my life giving files to clients and preventing others from stealing the high-res!

    Any way possible?
  • You can prevent the full image from showing at all using the protection options. There is currently no plans to apply passwords to images (as opposed to albums.)
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