I have tried to install the latest version 1.2.1. Everything is OK, the backend can be displayed in Chinese without any problem. However, when I try to config the gallery, I found that Chinese characters cannot be input in fields such as Gallery title. Most characters were trimmed after applying the change. So I used phpmyadmin to edit the fields manually. This method worked, the backend can show the edited fields. So I think there is a problem for this version to store Chinese characters.
I heard many sucussful case to use zenphoto in Chinese. Therefore, I downloaded the old v1.2 and installed under the same database. This time, the problem disappeared.
Does anyone know the cause of the problem?
although the install process explicitly suggest to add
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 ;
in php.ini, the problem does not occur with our without the above modification. Hope the next stable release will take note of this. Thanks~