thumbnail error for image larger than 1280x1024


i have issue, i don't know whether its fixed in 1.2.1 or not since i just reinstall 1.2 because i can't use japanese naming on 1.2.1

but in 1.2 i have issue with generating thumbnail for pictures that have resolution bigger than 1280x1024... is there fast way/temporary fix for this issue ?

since i believe this issue will get fixed in 1.2.1 or next update


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you haven't already please read this:
  • sorry i didn't get clear information from troubleshooting page... but from what i read, its more like server limitation that make thumbnail generation fail, right ?

    the weird things is, 2mb pictures that taken from digital cameras with resolution 19**x25** thumbnail can be generated without problem but i got wallpaper size images that failed
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Correct, it's a server limitation and the size of the image is not the important thing but the dimensions.
  • acrylian, i tested by updating zenphoto from 1.2 to 1.2.1 and it seems the thumbnail issue fixed in 1.2.1... the only problem is i can't use other language than english for renaming/tagging files
  • I think my problem is kind of similiar but still different.

    As you can see here:

    This photo is displayed correct in the preview modus, but the following photo is displayed as link or in some browsers as box with questionmark or red cross. By clicking on the link it will be shown normal in the big size, like the other photo, too.

    The photos have the same size and measure. They were shoot by the same photographer with the same camera. So I can't understand the problem.

    Is here anybody, who could help me to dissolve the problem.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your problem is exactly the same. Answer on the link I posted above.
  • The Link does not work anymore. I use zenphoto 1.2.4. And if it is exactly the same, then I do not understand the dimension thread (I remember). Because the photos seem to be exactly the same dimension and some work other not.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a difference regarding memory usage if it is a portrait or landscape image with the GDlibary. Additionally the cause might be corrput metadata (exif etc).

    Anyway, 1.2.4 is pretty outdated. If it is a ZP issue which I doubt your only chance is to upgrade.
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