Ability to set Sort Order for searches in Admin

I have posted about this in the general discussion. I have decided to pay Vincent to code this for my purposes but I think it would be something really beneficial to professional photographs.

Please think of this scenario which would be quite common for a professional photographer.

A photographer shoots many "Beauty" shots of various models or an auto shooter shoots many different car models.

If the client searches for the tags "Beauty" or in the case of cars "BMW". The search would return all Beauty shots of models in a random order & random date. Where a common sense view would display all shots of the model "Sara" shot on a certain shooting day, next to each other. As search works now the images returned are in no coherent order for a client. So shots of models Sara, Mary, Louise are not ordered coherently.

I am presuming that a photographer would have a decent file naming convention, or Title naming convention.

This would be very similar to the way Gallery Sort Order allows using 2 or more fields to sort images.


  • I'm sure you are not a mathematician, so you can be forgiven for thinking the order is random. It certainly is not. It may not be the order you wish for your particular use--that is your call.

    But most search engines return their results in order of relevance, which is what ours does for a "normal" search. So in the case you describe, if you had an image tagged "beauty" and "BMW" it would appear above one just tagged with one of those terms. If you include other fields in the search besides tags, the keywords appearing in multiple of those fields will add to the relevance of the results.

    Your scenerio presumes some knowledge of the search subject, which you have, but Zenphoto could not possibly presume. That is why you really need to apply a custom sorting to get what you want.

    Otherwise, who is to say that the "name" or "description" or maybe the tags are not the order you would want the items in.
  • Sorry Stephen, I thought I posted this in feature requests. I have Vincent working on it for me.

    My Tag search test, shows a high volume of images with only 1 Tag, but I still get images shot 10 years apart right next to each other. I can't see how the function finds any more or less relevance when you have 500 images with only 1 tag. Aren't these 500 images all equally relevant? So what sort is applied then? They certainly aren't presented in the order found.

    That's all for me, I'll let this rest & hope Vincent can help fine tune the searches.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just to note, it really does not matter to us in what subforum you post. We don't really care about that, it is just legacy of this forum. And if it would allow we would merge them all into one.
    I can't see how the function finds any more or less relevance when you have 500 images with only 1 tag. Aren't these 500 images all equally relevant?
    Exactly that is the point. There is no measure to tell which of these is more relevant if oyu sort only by one field like tag. That is why my colleague mentioned you need a custom order. Also it could be usefull to work with more tags to fine tune this.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    just one things : tplowe56 contacts me to customize my theme and he will paid for that.
    of course, in any case, I wan't to be paid for customize core zenphoto.
    sbillar and acrylian deserve much better than me to be rewarded for their outstanding work.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No problem. Even if you would customize the core that would be okay. The GPL license certainly allows that and being paid for it as well. Of course it is not recommended to do customize the core because you would loose our support.
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