Hello I am French, I'll try to make myself understood.
I use ZP for 5 years on my site no problem.
I installed 10 ZP on my site with different databases.
The problematic part is this:
http://www.caboucadin.com/activite-maternelle/Sometimes the page does not display completely. I found the solution by making F5. I even wrote in the description. But users do not read and leave my site.
Can you help me please
thank you in advance
Mr caboucadin
Zenphoto version [10988] (Official Version) upgrade
Currently used locale: fr_FR.utf8
Currently used theme: Default
PHP Version: 5.3.16
Generally, please understand that we can only really support the current release ( currently).
Best guess it that this is a problem either with the speed of your internet connection or the speed of your server.