whatever I enter,it always displayed :Sorry, no image matches. Try refining your search.sometimes it will give me this error:
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT DISTINCT `id`,`show`,`title`,`desc`,`albumid`,`filename`,`location`,`city`,`state`,`country` FROM `zp_images` WHERE ((`id`=13533) OR (`id`=13572) OR (`id`=13665)) ORDER BY `date DESC` ) failed. Error: Unknown column 'date DESC' in 'order clause'
I have updated to Ver1.2.1
you can test my web :
Both albums appear very nice - no errors. Keywords were imported as tags. I was really happy.
From the main page I use a word from the title of my smaller album (with less metadata) and that album appears in the search results. That's good. But when I search on a word from a title of one of the photos, I get a Sorry, no image matches ....
Yes, on the options tab I have ensured that title, description, and the rest of the fields are to be searched.
The problem gets worse. When I search for the larger album using a word from its title, I do get that album returned, but a ZenPhoto SQL error in pink appears below the thumbnail of the album.
If I go back to my main page and start all over, that is, select the larger album to view, the individual photos appear as expected. Now, if I search on a word in the title of one of the photos, I sometimes get a "sorry, .... But, mostly I get this error:
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT DISTINCT `id`,`show`,`title`,`desc`,`albumid`,`filename`,`location`,`city`,`state`,`country` FROM `zp_images` WHERE ((`id`=58) OR (`id`=35) OR (`id`=37) OR (`id`=38) OR (`id`=39) OR (`id`=40) OR (`id`=51) OR (`id`=52) OR (`id`=53) OR (`id`=54) OR (`id`=55) OR (`id`=56) OR (`id`=57)) ORDER BY id ) failed. Error: Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed 65528 bytes)
I never get this error on the smaller album with no keywords - I wonder if keywords or tags may be the problem. I'm pretty sure that memory isn't the issue, but I am checking allocation on the apache.
Any ideas? Thank you.
I have version
but in ver1.21 will cause error.
I think that some functions about search must be changed on Ver1.21,because I ues the same theme when I test 1.2 and 1.21.
but I don't know where changed,
It seems template-functions.php caused.and you?
please fix it ,thank you ...
I just deleted DISTINCT from two queries in class-search.php and all is well - no errors.
I think that this is an issue with mySQL 5.0.1. I have read that 5.1 beta somehow solves the problem. I do not "do" SQL so I can't explain the problem. Is there an SQL guru out there that can diagnose this? This is not only a Zenphoto issue. Other folks are experiencing this, too.
When I search the word "sexy" which is a part of a album name ,it return Zenphoto Error"Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT DISTINCT `id`,`show`,`title`,`desc`,`albumid`,`filename`,`location`,`city`,`state`,`country` FROM `zp_images` WHERE ((`id`=13533) OR (`id`=13572) OR (`id`=13665)) ORDER BY `date DESC` ) failed. Error: Unknown column 'date DESC' in 'order clause'
sbillard,what word do you search?and it returned right result?
It seems not the order to ID or date.
please visit my web http://www.av-fans.com
it display some "notie" :Notice: Undefined
I searched this "notice" and found some way to undisplay it ,
set in php.ini ,for example:error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
;display_startup_errors = Off;register_globals = On
but it don't work.
how to do with it?
1. `Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in /home/content/c/q/b/cqboy2003/html/themes/default/index.php on line 48` appears to be a typographical error in your theme. This line is not in the standard default theme index.php, so you should check your modifications.
2. `Undefined variable: passwordcheck in /home/content/c/q/b/cqboy2003/html/zp-core/plugins/image_album_statistics.php on line 40` is a NOTICE error that probably should not be being displayed given the reporting of `E_ALL ~ E_NOTICE` but it is easily corrected by adding `$passwordcheck = '';` as the first line of the function.
3. `Undefined property: Image::$name in /home/content/c/q/b/cqboy2003/html/zp-core/plugins/image_album_statistics.php on line 141` is more of a problem. The code seems to be trying to get the path of an album but the error messages says it is referencing an image object. There is indeed no `name` property to images--it is a property of albums. Maybe Acrylian will have some insite here.
I add "display_errors = Off",then it doesn't display that notice all.
but the popular album's thumb can't display,do you have any idea about it?
visit my web www.av-fans.com to see the error.
I had the same problem with the thumbs of the last updated albums on my index page so I replaced image_album_statistics.php (version 1.2.1) by the one of the version 1.2 and it solved the problem.
Thank you guys !