short description of my question:
It seems that zenphoto does not follow symlinks (ln -s ...) of .jpg or .flv files ? Is there a way to activate it or do I miss something ?
long description:
I wrote a shell script in order to generate .flv files for each of my .avi or .mov files using ffmpeg. As I do not want to have two times the same video in a directory, I put the generated .flv files into a "cache" folder elsewhere. Then I created a symbolic links for each generated .flv file into the original album directory. So I obtains:
file1.flv -----> (symlinks) /elsewhere-cache/file1.flv
But nothing is appearing, neither file1.avi (which is normal, the flvplayer plugin doesn't know how to handle this), nor the symlink.
I checked and double checked the permission but the webserver can read the symlink and the file pointed by the link.
Any idea ?
No answer or advice on that ?