Hello! ZenPhoto is a greate gallery. Thanks.
One question. I created user and gave him access to edit and delete comments, but he can't see any comments. When i login as admin i can see that there are some comments and can edit them. But user (moderator) can't. Moderator has Rights:
Manage all albums, Edit, Comment, Upload, View all albums, Overview. What sholud i do so moderator see and can edit (or delete) comments.
I have tested your scenerio on the nightly build and do not see the behavior you describe, so I assume whatever the issue might have been has been fixed.
10 Most Recent Comments
I've tried to set the language to english and that didn't work. So the issue is not with my site being multilingual. Logged in as administrator I get the 10 last comments but not as any of the moderators.
So, exactly what rights does the moderator have? Please quote the rights exactly as they are listed on the Admin tab.
[Edit] Never mind. I have found the problem. It will be fixed in tonight's build.