ZenPage and users


I have been thinking about this for some days but not had the time to look into this matter.

It is about ZenPage and the users.

Would it be possible to have users in ZenPhoto with only one gallery(yes I know thats possible) and only 1 page in ZenPage. Say something like an About page for the user to go with the gallery. So the idea is to create some kind of small community with user capabilities. With Administrator and some moderation at the same time.

I have some more question towards this but would just want to start with these things.

And if they are not there is it something that will be or had been looked into already.

As I find ZenPage very very light and easy to use so far and I love the integration, as I have used Wordpress with ZenPhoto before but its always the update of ether system that always breaks the connection.

I am sorry about asking before testing this out myself first.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, it is indeed possible:

    1. Create a user with rights for one album and Zenpage rights.
    2. Create a new page as master admin for that user.
    3. Now select the user the page should belong to from the author dropdown.
    4. Now set the page to "locked for changes" and save it. Then only admins with full admin rights or that user will be able to edit or delete that page. For all others the link and the icon buttons should be grayed out. Works for articles, too!

    Best you try it out before building a site...:-)
  • Thanks Malte, this is absolutely great, it was something like that way I thought this might be possible.

    Then I might have another quick question...

    Say we have 4 users. 1 Admin and 3 normal users, each user has its own folder and 1 page in ZenPage.

    If a theme is changed for one of the folders for each user, Say Black, White and Gray. Lets give us that the gray theme is the default one and the user with the black theme makes a new folder is he going to get black or a gray one. And how are the theme selections for each user if this does not happen, can a user with limited access change his theme on the page on him own.

    I hope I made this understandable enough.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can only set album themes for the top level albums so I would think that it's subalbums inherit the theme from it's parent (I admitI have not tried that).

    Zenpage has currently no support for album themes, only for the main gallery theme. You would have to call the theme css directly in page.php/news.php with a script. But that should not a problem if you tie that to the page titlelink.
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